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Dollar Notes



HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY!The Director for Development position is currently open. The DoD keeps us connected with National AAUW and its fundraising goals and opportunities. The Director and Development Committee, in collaboration with the Branch President, suggests a program of philanthropic efforts each fiscal year for the Board of Directors to consider.  Our philanthropy is geared to helping women and girls live their best lives throughout their lives, so it spans pre-school through adult continuing education programs. The Development Director also guides us in making tax-deductible donations to the AAUW Fund and/or our Local Program Fund. She lets us know about the women who have received grants from our two endowments, the Lenore D. Feibel Fund, and the Janetta MacPhail/Harriet Strong Fund. It's always good to hear about the careers of the women whom our grants have helped.



To fulfill our purpose of supporting scholarships, grants and educational programs for women and girls in Indian River County, each year we set out to raise $20,000 by hosting one or more major fundraisers.  Each event is designed to provide a positive, enjoyable experience with a presentation or activity that resonates with a large, supportive audience.  These are well-advertised events that involve much the same behind-the-scenes work as our branch events but often on a larger scale or with additional tasks, such as securing sponsors.  Could you be part of our fundraising efforts?



Leah Blythe LoPresti is the Director for Scholarships, serving a two-year term through June 2025. She and the Scholarship Committee work with our support partners: Economic Opportunity Council of IRC, Indian River State College, and the Vero Beach, Sebastian, and IRC Charter high schools.  They initiate and manage our scholarship support of students in these programs and report to the Board on their status. In 2022,  with the initiation of the high school scholarship program, committee members were involved in the evaluation of applications and recommendation of recipients to the Board.  Several committee members commented that the experience really brought home how impactful our support of these girls is, and just how much need is in our community.

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© 2021 AAUW Vero Beach


PO Box 2143
Vero Beach, FL 32961

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